Why & How We Do It

The decision to do 'tot school' with Haven was an easy one. I am lucky enough to be able to stay to stay home with her, and we already love to do arts and crafts and fun things together, so why not? It is so much fun to see her learning new things and having fun doing it. She is learning and growing so much right now, and just soaking everything in. It gives us extra special time together to look forward to as well.

I also really enjoy finding and putting together activites for our time. The internet is a valuable tool and there are so many wonderful ideas and blogs out there with great activities. The way we do our school is with a "theme of the week", mostly for the ease of planning. I usually have a few themes in mind for the upcoming weeks, and take the weekend to plan, print, laminate and prepare crafts, gather books, manipulatives, etc. for the upcoming week. Right now I am using a file folder system...one folder for each day of the week, paper activities get put in the folders and all other activities are prepared and sitting nearby. It works really well to be able to grab a folder to take to her table with everything we need.